Wheat Molecular Genetics | Preharvest Sprouting
Summary of heritability equations for balanced and unbalanced datasets.
There are more ways to calculated H2 based on if you do spatial correction, gxe, and so on, but this is a start.
You can obtain σ g 2 (genotype variance) and σ e 2 (residual variance) in R using the lme4
package with VarCorr(model)
after you’ve defined your model, but Dan Sweeney shared with me his function to calculate vBLUP:
model1 <- lmer(Pheno~(1|genotypes)+Env+HD, data = EliteProgramData)
S_1 <- as.data.frame(VarCorr(model1));
sigma2_g <- S_1[1,4]
sigma2_e <- S_1[2,4] #Assuming your model only has 1 random effect. If more than one, [2,4] becomes [n,4] where n = number of random effects + 1
#Balanced H2
FalMac_H2 <- sigma2_g / (sigma2_g + sigma2_e)
m <- length(unique(EliteProgramData$Env))
MultiEnv_H2 <- sigma2_g / (sigma2_g + (sigma2_e/m))
#Unbalanced H2
ses<- se.ranef(model)$'genotypes' #where 'm' is your model object from 'lmer' (replace 'genotypes' with whatever you call your individuals in the data)
v_BLUP<- ses^2
sigma2_g=VarCorr(model, comp="Variance")$'genotypes'[1]
Reliability<- 1- v_BLUP/ (2\*sigma2_g) #where sigma2_g is the genetic variance estimated with the model saved in 'm'
H2<- round(mean(Reliability),3) #This is equivalent to broad-sense heritability on the line-mean (or family-mean, if your individuals are non-inbred families) basis